Saturday, July 6, 2024
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You might be able to reduce weight by chewing more slowly and consuming more fibre without exercise or a rigid diet.As per Maintaining a traditional diet and exercise schedule might be difficult.However, there are a few time-tested strategies that can make eating fewer calories simple. These are practical methods for losing weight and preventing weight loss.

Here are 11 ways to lose weight without dieting or exercising. Each one is supported by empirical data | As per

1. Chew slowly and thoroughly

How quickly you complete your meals could also have an impact on your weight. Faster eaters are more likely to gain weight than slower eaters, according to a recent evaluation of 23 observational research (4Trusted Source).

Fast eaters have a substantially higher likelihood of being overweight.It could be beneficial to keep track of how many times you chew each bite to develop the habit of eating more slowly.

2. Serve unhealthy foods on smaller plates

Nowadays, the average dinner plate is bigger than it was a few decades ago.Due to the fact that using a smaller plate may encourage you to eat less by making servings appear larger, this trend may result in weight gain.A larger dish, on the other hand, may make a serving appear smaller, leading you to eat more (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).To take advantage of this, serve healthier items on larger plates and less healthful things on smaller dishes.

3. Consume a lot of protein

According to Appetite is significantly influenced by protein. It can make you feel more satisfied, less hungry, and help you consume fewer calories (7Trusted Source).This could be as a result of protein’s effects on ghrelin and GLP-1, two hormones involved in appetite and fullness (8Trusted Source).

According to one study, increasing protein consumption from 15% to 30% of calories allowed individuals to lose an average of 11 pounds over the course of 12 weeks while eating 441 fewer calories per day (9Trusted Source). If you usually have a grain-based breakfast, you might want to think about moving to an egg-based meal instead.In one study, women who ate eggs for breakfast consumed fewer calories at lunch than women who ate a meal consisting of grains (10Trusted Source).Furthermore, they consumed fewer calories for the remainder of the day and the following 36 hours. Chicken breasts, salmon, Greek yoghurt, lentils, quinoa, and almonds are a few examples of foods high in protein.

4. Keep unhealthy foods hidden.

Storing unhealthy meals in plain sight may make you feel more hungry and tempted to consume more (11Reliable Source). Additionally, weight growth is connected to this (12 Trusted Source). According to a recent study, those who keep more high-calorie items visible in their homes are more likely to weigh more than those who merely put a bowl of fruit on display (12Trusted Source).Keep harmful foods hidden, like in cupboards or closets, to lessen the likelihood that you will choose them when you are hungry. On the other side, keep nutritious foods on show in your kitchen and position them in the front row of your refrigerator.

5. Eat Foods High in Fibre

By boosting satiety, eating meals high in fibre may prolong your sensation of fullness. Additionally, research demonstrates that viscous fibre is very advantageous for weight loss. People eat less and feel more fulfilled as a result (13Reliable Source). A gel is produced when water and a viscous fibre are combined. This gel inhibits stomach emptying and extends the time that nutrients are absorbed (14Reliable Source). Only plant-based foods contain viscous fibre. Several examples are beans, oat cereal, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges, and flax seeds. The weight loss supplement glucomannan contains a lot of viscous fibre as well.

6. Consistently consume water

Water consumption can aid in weight loss, particularly if it is done before to meals.Drinking half a litre (17 ounces) of water around 30 minutes before meals reduced appetite and decreased calorie consumption, according to one study in adults (15Trusted Source).Over a 12-week period, participants who drank water before a meal lost 44% more weight than those who did not. You might see even more of an impact if you switch out calorie-dense beverages like soda or juice for water. 

7. Hand out smaller portions to yourself

Portion sizes have increased in recent years, especially in restaurants. Larger serving sizes, which encourage people to eat more (17 Trusted Source, 18 Trusted Source, 19 Trusted Source, 20 Trusted Source, 21 Trusted Source), have been linked to increased weight gain and obesity. Increasing the size of a dinner appetiser by two times led to a 30% increase in calorie intake, per a study of persons (21Trusted Source). You may consume a great deal fewer calories if you feed yourself a little less. Furthermore, it’s unlikely that you’ll even notice the difference.

8. Avoid electronic distractions while eating

If you pay attention to what you eat, you might be able to consume fewer calories. People may become unaware of how much they have consumed if they eat while watching TV or playing video games. This might then result in overeating. A review of 24 studies found that people who were distracted at a meal ate 10% more during that sitting (22Trusted Source). Furthermore, being preoccupied during a meal has a significantly greater influence on how much you eat later in the day. People who were preoccupied during a meal ingested 25% more calories at subsequent meals than those who weren’t (22Trusted Source). If you routinely eat while using devices or watching TV, you might be inadvertently eating more than usual. These extra calories add up and significantly affect your weight over time.

9. Get Enough Sleep and Reduce Stress

People frequently disregard sleep and stress when it comes to their health. The effects of both on your hunger and weight are in fact significant. The hormones leptin and ghrelin, which control hunger, may be disturbed by sleep deprivation. When you’re stressed, your cortisol levels rise (23Reliable Source). The fluctuation of these hormones can increase appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods, which can result in a larger consumption of calories (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source). Additionally, a lack of sleep over an extended period of time and stress may make you more susceptible to developing a number of illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.

10. Cut back on sugary beverages

You can lose weight by making a lot of easy lifestyle adjustments. Some have nothing to do with conventional diets or workout routines.

You can eat slowly, use smaller plates, sip water, and avoid eating in front of a computer or television. Prioritising foods rich in protein and viscous fibre may also be beneficial.

To do all of these things at once is frequently a bad idea. Try one strategy for a period, and if it works, try a different one.

A few small changes could have a significant impact on long-term weight loss.

11. Serve bad meals on red plates

Using red plates to make you want to eat less is one ridiculous tactic.Research indicates that this technique at least seems to work with unhealthy snack foods. According to one study, participants consumed fewer pretzels from red plates than from white or blue plates. Red could be the reason because we often link it with warning signs made by people, such stop signs and other signals.

12. Food Journaling

Keep a food journal to track your eating habits and identify areas for improvement. This can create awareness and help make healthier choices.


Many simple lifestyle changes can help you lose weight. Some are unrelated to standard diets or exercise regimens.

You can take your time while eating, use smaller plates, drink water, and refrain from eating in front of a computer or TV. It may also be advantageous to prioritise diets high in protein and viscous fibre.

However, it’s often not a good idea to do all of these things at once. Try one approach for a while, and if it proves successful, switch to another. Keep Reading

A few minor adjustments could have a big influence on long-term weight loss.

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